Malaysian Pancake (Apom Balik)

Malaysian Pancake (Apom Balik)

Level      : Easy
Serve      : 3 pieces 8” pancake
Equipment: 8” non-stick skillet pan

For the peanut filling
Any amount of ready roasted peanuts (chopped or rough grinded)
Light brown sugar
Optional: creamy sweet corn, banana

Pancake batter
150g all-purpose flour
10g rice flour
30g sugar
1 tsp. instant yeast
1/ 2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
250ml warm water

1.       Making pancake batter: Prepare a hand mixer. Combine all the dry ingredients. Add warm water and whisk using hand mixer and vigorously whisk till the batter is smooth. Pour the batter onto a sieve to remove any lumps.

2.        Place the batter in a warmest place in your kitchen and let the batter to proof for approximately for 1 hour or more. The proofed batter will have visible bubbles on the surface or doubled in size.

3.       Brush the 8” pan with a bit of oil, with medium heat for 4-5 minutes or the temperature should be around 350°F. Once the pan is warmed and ready to use, whisk the proofed batter vigorously to knock down the air out of it. This will help to create a smoother batter.

4.       Pour the batter in the center of the pan. Immediately tilt the pan to spread the batter evenly across the surface and immediately cover with lid. Cook, covered for 4 minutes.

5.       After 4 minutes or more, remover the lid. The crust around the edges should be visibly darker than the surface and be crisp to touch. The apom surface should looks to be drying with small holes across it. If the surface has not dried and the edges are not browned and crisp, put the lid back and cook for additional minute.

6.       Once the edges and batter appear dried, run a spatula around the outer edge of the pancake to loosen it from the pan. Spread the peanut, sugar and others filling over half of the pancake. Fold the half without filling over the half with filling.

7.       Using the spatula, loosen the bottom of the pancake from the pan and transfer to a cutting board. Allow to rest for 3-4 minutes before cutting into slices.

8.       Slice with sharp knife into triangular pieces or slice into long rectangular pieces.


Notes: Best to eat when is fresh and hot. Not recommended to prepare in advance. The apom can be kept a few hours in a sealed plastic bag after cooling down.

Don’t over grind the peanut, is nice to have rough chunks peanuts.

West Metric Sdn Bhd
17th Oct 2017


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