Vegetable Popiah Roll

Serving    : 5-7 rolls

Popiah Roll



1 medium size turnip (sengkuang) Remove the skin
For frying

3 slice ginger (cut into strips)

2 tbsp. olive oil



1 tbsp. light miso paste

2 tbsp. vegetarian mushroom sauce

Sugar & soya sauce to taste

Ingredients for wraping

Popiah skin (make from rice flour) or you can use crepes or make your own thin egg  pancake

Lettuce & shredder carrot

Hoisin sauce & chili sauce


1. Cut the turnip into half make, sure it fit the food processor mouth. Use the shedder disk to shred the turnip and keep aside.

2. Set the slow cooker to 2 hours & 30 minutes on high. First add (B) then (c). Stir well.

Lastly, add (A). Pour cooked warm water just above the turnip. Let it cooked. Half way cooking taste, if not enough seasoning, you can add. When it’s cooked, the turnip is soft and has gravy. Strain the turnip, to remove the gravy. This is to prevent from making the skin too soggy to eat.

3. How to wrap.

- Popiah skin on a plate. Brush hoisin sauce and a bit chili sauce then 1 pc lettuce on top. 

- Put the cooked turnip on top of the lettuce and others ingredients that you like. Fold 2 sides of the skin then roll from the bottom towards upwards till end. Like a pillow.

- Cut into 3 parts and serve when it hot. (This is can be a starter dish)

Equipment    : Food Processor (5KFP1333)

: Slow cooker (5KSC6222)

Prepared by    : Bee Bee

West Metric Sdn Bhd


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