Steamed Sweet Potatoes Angkoo

Steamed Sweet Potatoes Angkoo

For Dough
250g glutinous rice flour
200g Indonesia orange sweet potatoes (steamed and mashed)
1 tbsp caster sugar
3 tbsp corn oil
100ml boiling water

Green Pea Paste Filling
200g split yellow mungs (soak into water overnight or at least 8 hrs more)
50g caster sugar
¼ tsp salt
3 tbsp corn oil, 2 blades pandan leaf

Banana leaves. Cut according to the size of the angkoo mould

To make filling
1. Drain off the soaked beans, spread onto a plate and top with pandan leaves.
2. Steamed at high heat till soften about 20 minutes.
3. Remover from the steamer and put into a food processor and blend till fine paste.
4. Add in sugar, salt and oil and blend till well blended. Keep aside.

To make dough
1. Put glutinous flour, sweet potatoes, sugar & oil into a mixer bowl and blend till well combine using speed 2 - 4.
2. Change speed to 2 and gradually add in the hot water and knead until smooth dough.
3. Divide the dough into small potion.
(The size depends on your mould. Take a bit of the dough and press into your mould. Knot out the dough and weight. So the rest of the dough will be weight the same).
4. Wrap the dough with the filling, knead into a ball and press into the angkoo mould, knot out and line with banana leaves.
(You must grease angkoo mould with oil before using)
5. Steam in preheated steamer at high heat for 7 – 10 minutes until cooked.
6. Remove from steamer, brush with corn oil immediately.

Variations: For dough: Pandan Juice, pumpkin, black glutinous rice flour .
For filling: red bean paste, coconut or pineapple paste.

Equipment used: KitchenAid Artisan Mixer
KitchenAid food processor KFPM770

West Metric Sdn Bhd


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