Steam Pumpkin & Yam Cake

Ingredients for Batter
2 cups rice flour
1/2 cup green pea flour
1/2 cup tang meen flour (buy from Chinese grocery store or Petaling Street)
7 cups water
(mix all the above till well combine & set aside)

Ingredients for Filling
1 medium or small yam (personal choice) (cut cubes)
Pumpkin (amount according to yr choice( cut cubes)

Ingredients for Topping
150-200g dried prawns (soak & rough chop)
150-200g dried cuttlefish (optional) (soak & rough chop)
1 1/2 packet of chopped choy po (soak & drain dry)(fry on dry wok till dry) to remove access water.
chopped garlic
pepper, soya sauce, sugar (to taste)
1/2 tsp dark soya sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
(fried garlic till aroma then add the dried ingredients till aroma then seasoning and choy po)

Fried shallot
Cut spring onions
Cut red chillies

  1. Heat the steamer till water boiling.
  2. Heat 1 tbsp cooking oil on a wok. Put cut (B) yam and stir fry till half cook.
  3. Add (A)batter mixture into cooked yam keep stirring till start to thicken then add (C) pumpkin and mix well.
  4. Pour onto a square or round steamer tray and steam at high heat for 40-45 minutes.
  5. Remove from steamer and let it cool before putting topping and garnishing.
This recipe is given by my good friend (Mable). Must try very good.........


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