Love Pancakes



Love Pancake (Steam Cake for CNY)
Ingredients (A)
250g plain flour
80g glutinous rice flour
150g caster sugar
Ingredients (B)
10 red dates (cored) your choice if you wants less
2 tbsp cooking oil
few drops red colouring or use beet root juice
Ingredients (C) mix well
1 tbsp instant active yeast
250ml water
banana leaf to cover bottom of tray
1. Mix ingredients (A) & (C)
Cover with a damp cloth and rest 2-3 hours for fermentation before ready to use.
2. Add cooking oil into the fermentation of step (1), knead to form a smooth dough.
3. Place the dough onto a 8" round tray with banana leaf as liner. Level the surface and top with red dates. Rest or rise until dough double in size.
4. Lastly, steam in the preheated steamer at high heat for 15-20 minutes till done. Remove from heat, leave to cool before cutting. Serve hot.


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